Monkey and The Crocodile Story

Monkey and The Crocodile Story. A large river flowed from the middle of a dense forest. There were many fishes and a lazy crocodile lived in that river. The crocodile was so lazy that he could not even hunt properly. Whenever he chase after the fishes, the fishes dodge him and the crocodile was unable to do anything. Due to his laziness, he would never hunt properly and would starve mostly.

If you want to read this story in Hindi you can read it from here – Monkey and the crocodile story in Hindi.

One day, he stepped out of the river and sat under a tree. Just then, he heard a strange voice which was coming from upside. The voice was that of a monkey who was sitting on a tree and eating berries. The monkey was eating the berries so keenly that the crocodile also got lured. The crocodile asked the monkey, “What are you eating? It looks very tasty.”

The monkey replied, “This is juicy berries and it is very tasty. I eat most of it and I like it very much. I think you will also like it too much. Try it!” Saying this, the monkey threw some berries into the crocodile’s mouth. The crocodile started eating those berries.

After eating those delicious berries, the crocodile said to the monkey, “Oh this is so delicious. I had never eaten anything like this till today. Can you give me some more berries?”

“Yes, why not! I can give you even more berries.” The monkey said. The monkey broke even more berries and threw them into the crocodile’s mouth.

Now the crocodile would come under that tree every day and the monkey would feed him berries. Both crocodiles and monkeys had become very good friends. The friendship of the two had increased greatly. Sometimes the crocodile would go out of the river and play with the monkey. Sometimes the monkey would sit on the crocodile’s back and visit the rivers.

The crocodile also had a wife who lived far away. So the crocodile thought one day that he would please his wife and would also feed her this delicious berries. The crocodile went to the monkey and said, “My friend, can you give me a little more by breaking the berries? Because I want it to feed my wife berries too. She used to live a little away from here.”

“Yes.” The monkey said, “I will give you a lot of berries today. You feed it to your wife. She will definitely be happy after eating it.”

The monkey broke the berries and give it to the crocodile. Crocodile took those berries into his mouth. Going to his wife, he said, “Look, I have brought these berries for you. These berries are very tasty. If you eat it, you will never forget it.”

Hearing this, the crocodile’s wife said, “Well, If it is so then give it to my I will definetly taste it. It looks very juicy and tasty.”

The crocodile’s wife ate those berries and after eating the berries, she too was addicted to it. The crocodile’s wife said, “Oh wow! It is very tasty. I had never eaten such berries till today. Where did you get this from?”

After asking this by his wife the crocodile told to her, “The monkey, he is a good friend of me. The monkey feeds me berries daily.”

Listening about the monkey, the crocodile’s wife started thinking that if the berries are so tasty, how delicious will the heart of the monkey eating it be? Anyhow she wanted to eat the heart of a monkey. Thinking this the crocodile’s wife started planning a conspiracy in her mind.

The next day when crocodile returned, his wife said to him, “My health is very bad today and a nearby doctor has told me that I have to eat a monkey’s heart to get well. If I don’t eat it I can even die. “

The crocodile became depressed upon hearing this from his wife. He started thinking that how can he bring the heart of a monkey. Because he is a good friend of his. He must kill the monkey to bring the monkey’s heart. Thinking this, the crocodile went to the monkey. As soon as he went to the monkey he said, “My friend, the berries you gave that day. I fed it to my wife. She was very happy eating those berries and that’s why she called you to the feast today.”

“Oh wow!” The monkey said, “That is a very good thing. It has been a long time. Nobody has called for the feast yet. Let’s go.”

Saying this the monkey sat on the crocodile’s back Both of them started going to the crocodile’s wife. While they were on the way, the crocodile said to the monkey, “My wife’s health is very bad and she has to eat your heart. Only then she can recover.”

As soon as the monkey heard this he used his mind and said to the crocodile, “Hey! You should have told this thing earlier. I have put my heart on the tree. Because I don’t want it to get wet. Let us go back we have to bring it from the tree. “

“Well, let’s go and bring it from there.” The crocodile said.

As soon as the crocodile reached the shore, the monkey leaped and got away from him. He said to the crocodile, “You fool! Is someone takes his heart out and gives it to other? If I give out my heart, I will die and I think you want to kill me. Having a friend like you is better to not have a friend. Go from here, stupid. Tell your wife that she is also biggest fool.”

Moral of the story – From this story, we learn that we should maintain our friendship well and do not harm our friend by getting seduced by someone. Monkey and The Crocodile Story.

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